Winchendon Winds Inc. is supported by generous donations from community members and businesses. If you'd like to ask about opportunities to advertise in our program or have a banner ad and sponsor listing on this website, please contact us at:
Donation Levels and Benefits
Donor Level | Donation Amount | Donor Benefits |
Bronze | Up to $49 | Acknowledgement in Win Winds printed programs and website |
Silver | $50 - $99 | Above plus... Block ad space in Win Winds printed program for entire concert series (business card size) |
Gold | $100 - $499 | Above plus... Second block ad space in printed program (equivalent of two business cards) Link on Win Winds website to your business website Verbal acknowledgement at concerts |
Platinum | $500 and up | Above plus... Your company logo on Win Winds website in addition to link to your business website VIP seating provided at concerts* "Behind the scenes" rehearsal attendance** |
Receipts will be sent to all donors for your tax records.
*Up to 24 hours prior to concert time, up to 8 friends/family/employees of the Platinum Donor may email Winchendon Winds to receive reserved seating at the concert.
**Up to two friends/family/employees of the Platinum Donor may attend a private rehearsal of Winchendon Winds and experience the band and conductor at work.
Checks may be made out to Winchendon Winds, Inc. and mailed to:
Winchendon Winds, Inc.
206 Monomonac Rd. EastWinchendon, MA 01475
Make a secure donation now with PayPal
Click here to see a sample program with sponsors' ads.